Barry the Barosaurus

Lately I like Daddy to tell me stories before I go to bed. They have to include Barry the Barosaurus (and his friends Ricky the Raccoon and Sigmund the squirrel), and Cary the Alligator (and his friends Dilly and Dally the ducks, and Freddy the Frog), and Quincy the Quetzalcoatlus.

I also try to pick out what instrument I hear in a song playing–piano, guitar, violin, trumpet, etc. I’m getting better at pottying and putting my clothes on–Daddy says I’m making real progress the last few days.

Mommy is in Singpore this week for work–I tell Daddy “Mommy’s in Singapore making some nickels.”

I’m still into dinosaurs, and also planets, and lately Daddy’s trying to teach me the days of the week (and their sources–Thursday is named after Thor, etc.). Next, maybe, months.

Daddy is trying to make me listen better, and pay attention.

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